We are a small, family-run certified organic farm located 45 miles northwest of Milwaukee in the Big Cedar Lake watershed in West Bend, Wisconsin. We specialize in grazing and producing pastured meats, specifically 100% grass-fed and finished beef and pastured pork.
"Sauve Terre" is French for Saved Earth. Our slogan, "Safe Earth. Safe Food", comes from this translation. We consider Sauve Terre a little piece of saved earth, one that has been repurposed and sustained by regenerative agriculture and grazing practices.
To preserve and improve the land while providing sustainable and healthy harvest for generations to come. We are dedicated to earth friendly, animal friendly, and people friendly farming. We practice holistic grazing and regenerative agriculture techniques while working with nature to create a perennial landscape.
Sauve Terre Farm was founded in 2009 as a family farm enterprise by Joe and Laura Mantoan and their son Joseph. Our farm-scape is a unique combination of permaculture and rotational grazing. In 2011, we worked with Mark Shepard to install key-line, water catchment swales into the landscape and now incorporate this into our overall grazing system.